Integrative Pelvic Therapy Certification Program
Mentorship & Certification Program
with Dr. Kathryn Kloos
Take your abdominal and pelvic floor work with female-bodied clients to the next level. This certification program is designed for practitioners who want to strengthen their skills working with pelvic floor and reproductive issues, learn advanced bodywork and utilize somatic mind/body techniques to hold a profound healing container for your clients.
Registration is now open for Spring 2025!!
Fill out this short application and we will get back to you ASAP!
To qualify for this course you must be an LMT, ND, Midwife, MD, Nurse practitioner, or student in one of these fields. I will be including the introductory pelvic floor level one within the mentorship. No previous pelvic floor therapy training is necessary.
Photo by javi_indy/iStock / Getty Images
Advanced bodywork For women’s health
Abdominal and Uterine Massage
Pelvic Floor Therapy
Lumbar, sacral and hip assessment and myofascial release and trigger point therapy
cupping therapy for women’s health
Photo by NataliaMills/iStock / Getty Images
Somatic Awareness & Mind-Body Techniques
Learn how to use your intuition to guide your treatments
Give your clients mindfulness tools they can use for pelvic pain management and body image issues
Learn somatic techniques to increase efficacy of your bodywork treatments.
Provide trauma-informed care for your clients.
Spring Dates 2025:
This is an 8-day training consisting of two 4-day modules.
Corbett Oregon Module 1: April 4-7, 2025 Module 2: May 2025
Topics include: Pelvic Floor assessment and treatment, Abdominal/Uterine Massage & Hip Alignment Manual Therapy, Trauma-Informed Care, Pregnancy and Post-Partum massage, Somatic Resourcing, Making Friends with the Body, Cupping and Case Presentations.
See Detailed Course Summary below for details of each weekend.
Eligible for CEUs for LMTs and NDs
Investment: Early Bird: $2500. Afterward, price goes up to $2700
Payment plans are available!
Why do a mentorship and pelvic health certification?
You have taken a pelvic floor intro class and would like to have mentorship to improve your skills
You want to be a practitioner who has competent skills and can accurately identify and treat common women’s health conditions.
You want to be able to access your intuition in combination with proven clinical outcomes.
You want to be able to hold a profound healing space for your clients where they feel safe to transform their wounds and find their power.
You want to have a diagnostic and treatment tools set that will give your female clients lasting results.
Detailed Course Summary
+ WEEKEND 1: Abdominal/Uterine massage and Intro to Pelvic Floor,
*In this weekend we will review the anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis including the muscles, innervation, fascial connections and ligamentous structures. We will fine tune our skills of abdomino-pelvic assessment and treatment. *** **
- learn why uterine aligment is important
- how to check and treat uterine aligment issues with myofascial release
- abdominal organ massage
- uterine unwinding and somatic therapuetics for the reproductive area.
- pelvic floor anatomy
- pelvic floor assessment tools
- pelvic floor myofascial release, trigger point therapy and strain/counterstrain
- learn how to perform self-abdominal massage and teach to your clients
- abdominal cupping for reproductive and digestive health
Hips,Sacral and lumbar alignment
- lumbopelvic alignement
- Pertinent orthopedic tests to differentiate lumbosacral pain
- blocking and myofascial techniques for hip alignment
- Evaluate and assess the pelvic girdle and bring it into balanced alignment.
- Identify sacroiliac mobility dysfunction and and soft tissues techniques to address alignment
- Practice pelvic floor work
+ WEEKEND 2: Pelvic Pain, Fertility, Pregnancy, Postpartum Care
- how to address pelvic pain with internal vaginal and abdominal myofascial release
- Somatic Resourcing and Unwinding
- How to release abdominal adhesions
- Abdominal cupping to treat digestive conditions
- practice pelvc floor therapeutics
- How to access pelvic floor muscles without doing internal work
- Conditions covered: Endometriosis, surgery scars, Coccyx pain, constipation, fecal incontinence
- Pelvic Floor prescriptice exercises for stress incontinence and prolapse
- Somatic Resourcing for the perinatal period
- Fertility massage and home protocols
- Pregnancy Massage Techniques
- Postpartumpelvic floor and uterine care
- Pelvic Floor practice
+ Bonus Lectures: 12 hours of lifetimes access video material
- Uterine Anatomy and pelvic floor anatomy
- Common pelvic floor conditions
- Trauma Informed Care and the polyvagal theory for the pelvic therapsit
- Vaginal Steaming 101
- Somatic meditations
- Uterine Unwinding
- Uterine self-massage
- Self abdominal cupping
One-on-One Mentorship- once the training is complete you are eligible to have one-on-one private tutorials with the instructor.